Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Random Photo: Coolest Cab That Ever Existed

Yesterday, during lunchtime, we were walking to an AWESOME vegetarian buffet in our neighborhood when we feasted our eyes upon the coolest taxi (stage left) that ever was. The sight of it made me giggle with glee. Unfortunately, the light turned green as soon as I noticed, and the taxi was off, to be stopped at the next set of lights. "I need a picture of that!" I yelled and took off running down the sidewalk.

In the process, unbeknownst to me, I dropped my camera holder. After I snapped the desired photo, Matt grabbed the camera and crossed the street to try to snap some more photos. Then, behind me, I heard, "Señorita! Señorita!" I turned around and saw my camera case being held up by a teenage boy, as he glimpsed unfazed in the direction of the cab. The reality of what happened caught up with me; I looked like the tourist of all tourists. Sheepishly, I thanked the young man, and he smiled shyly back at me. Contrary to some popular beliefs about the people of Mexico City, I have enjoyed nothing but very nice encounters with very, very kind people here.

Turns out this wasn't just some awesome party taxi. It was a balloon seller (you see them selling their mylar products all the time in the parques) catching a ride to their next destination, holding the string of balloons out the window (because, I mean, look; they wouldn't obviously fit inside). Nonetheless, it was one of those unique, totally enjoyable D.F. experiences.

1 comment:

  1. Evie would be in heaven! That's one of those experiences that make you wonder if you're in a movie or something. :)
