Saturday, March 6, 2010

Random Photo: Turnin' the Corner

Proof that Santiago still stands:

I snapped this one on the rooftop of our apartment a couple days ago. Hard week, that's a no-doubter. But the week's over now. And I feel renewed.

Ready to enjoy this place [still a lot left to be loved, as evinced in the photo].

Ready to be happy [and less bummed and less anxious] to be here.

Still feeling ready to help [when they need me].

Look at those beauteous Andes in the background! Oh mother nature, way to scare me and captivate me all at the same time!

1 comment:

  1. you'd think after the 'quake the price of airplane tickets to santiago would drop, but i just checked it and it's still over a thousand a pop, doggone it! i'm doing my taxes and also some thinking if you catch my drift.
