Sunday, February 28, 2010

El Terremoto

First off, we're doing fine. Emotionally, a little "off" but just fine in every other capacity. Our three-year-old high-rise apartment building took to the massive shaking with aplomb! Yay, building! It was swaying like crazy when the big one was happening, but it passed the post-quake inspection with no prob.

From yesterday morning on, Matt and I have been walking all about the city. We're walking to the point of exhaustion, actually, but if we're moving, we don't feel the seemingly constant and creepy aftershocks as much. Here are some photos (click to enlarge):

Below, some very hard hit buildings. I hope the people that were inhabiting them are doing ok.

We chose to live in our neighborhood, due in part to its proximity to this museum, Bellas Artes:

Extremely damaged church:

There are cracked, crumbling, and destroyed buildings at nearly every turn on our walks:

Broken buildings = displaced people:

Broken glass, everywhere. The amount of glass and small rubble on the streets and sidewalks is probably one of Santiago's biggest problems post-quake (hot city's not sandal-friendly ahorita):

Lines into the grocery stores are becoming common (the lines at checkout are worse):

More to come? Hope not.

1 comment:

  1. Great job with the photojournalism, and what a contrast with your previous posts full of photos. What an utter tragedy, not only for the people involved but also for the beautiful historic buildings that were damaged. I hope the worst is past, for all of you.
