Friday, February 26, 2010

A walk around Providencia...

...a cute, semi-crumbly (yet sort-of upscale) neighborhood in Santiago (and the neighborhood in which we stayed upon arrival).

Paz =
Peace. Watermelons for peace. I'm on board.

I love crumbelivable neighborhoods. Therefore, Latin America is right up my alley; or the crumbly alleys are right up my alley. Or something.

It's summer here, and the sun is super-intense. It makes for great shadows (and subsequently great photos).

Okay, I'm going to go off on a tangent for a moment.
I believe there are two types of people in the world: Dog People and Cat People. We two camps don't understand each other for many reasons. I do honestly believe that Dog People and Cat People have different personality traits. I am an extreme dog person. A dog fundamentalist, of sorts.

I don't trust cats. I can't read what they're going to do when they approach me. When they do approach me, I think (sometimes out loud), "What do you want from me, Cat? Are you gonna do that supposedly friendly cat thing where you drag/rub the length of your body along my leg, or are you going to use your extreme jumping skills to claw or bite off my face with your ungodly sharp talons and incisors???" We saw this cat every morning, and it meowed and glared at us, and we didn't know what it wanted. Any thoughts, Cat People?

Chile produces a lot of delicious wine! It's cheap here, too! This billboard, translated, says, "And today, why not?" Good advice, indeed.


  1. Amazing how we've overcome our dog person/cat person divide to remain bff's for so many years. The Republicans and Democrats could learn a thing or two from us!

  2. Haha the image verification I had to enter to post that comment was "dicat" - how appropriate!

  3. dicat! Haha!

    Yes, I know. Our amazingly functional friendship could be classified as one of the "Wonders of the World."

  4. We had about 2 minutes of being totally freaked out for you between hearing about the quake and hearing you are OK. Thank goodness! We pray you are able to stay safe.
